-Where did you intern and how did you find it?
This past summer, I was an Intern for a PR Firm, Factory PR, in the heart of New York City. I found the internship through a Mississippi connection, the south makes the world so small!
-Briefly describe the organization
Factory PR is a communications agency that’s expertise is launching and creating cutting edge PR strategies for a wide range of clients. Although it is a firm made up of a staff of around 25, it is divided up in to fashion, tech, celebrities, and events to help service clients in every area.
-What were your responsibilities as an intern and what communication skills did you utilize?
With FPR being a smaller firm with a diverse group of clients, I was able to be hands on and exposed to many different areas in the PR world. I specifically worked in the women’s fashion division of FPR. My daily responsibilities included lots of sample trafficking, communicating with large editorial publications about potential coverage, setting up for PR events, and getting to hang out with beautiful clothing (my favorite part).
My bosses were great about providing me with practice for the real world. I was given the task to write a pitch for a new shoe line that would be released in July. I used the skills I had learned from PR writing, to help me create a concise yet eye catching pitch that would grab editors and stylist’s attention to promote the line.
I also felt like I had a true grasp on what PR is intended for and why it is so important because of what my professors had taught me over the years. Because of my knowledge about the purpose of PR , I was able to understand why I was performing certain tasks and took pride in doing little things that helped make big things happen.
-What was the most enjoyable part of your internship?
The most enjoyable part of my internship was walking to work every day (1.8 miles to be exact) excited for what was to come. I loved the fact that I loved my job. I enjoyed the people, the work I was doing, and the goal we were all trying to achieve. Everyday held a hidden gem that was worth the sweat and effort I put in.
-What was the most challenging part of your internship?
The most challenging part of my time at FPR was catching on to the fast pace life of NYC. It was scary at first but by the end of the summer I was used to the hustle and bustle.
-What advice or recommendations would you give to other students thinking about interning?
I had always dreamed of interning in NYC but I never thought it was possible. Anything is possible if you really want it and you don’t give up. When looking for an internship use every resource possible and think of any connections you may have that can get you there. Follow up and don’t get discouraged. Rejoice in rejection because that just means if you keep trying, something amazing will eventually open up.